Sunday 10 April 2011


In Conclusion

Swinging London was a youth-oriented phenomenon that emphasized the new and modern. It was a period of optimism and hedonism, and a cultural revolution. One catalyst was the recovery of the British economy after post-World War II austerity which lasted through much of the 1950s. Swinging London was inspirational to so many artists and photographers and my research displays this.

The Key findings from the research are that in main, Pop Art had it's own influences such as the Abstract Expressionism movement in the early 1900's and Dadaism later on, Andy Warhol and Jim Dine had their own influences from everyday objects and the economy in the 1960's which then later affected key photographers David Bailey and Terrence Donovan as they produced images of photographic clarity, often street scenes or portraits of famous peoplesimilar to photorealist art, creating a painting that appears to be very realistic like a photograph.

In conclusion, it is considered that photo realism grew out of the pop-art movement and minimalism movements that proceeded it. Like pop artists, the photo realists were interested in breaking down hierarchies of appropriate subject matter by including everyday scenes of commercial life - cars, shops and signage for example. Also like them, the photo realists drew from advertising and commercial imagery. David Bailey and Terence Donovan were both similar to photorealists and produced images that reflected the 1960's celebrity culture before anyone else.