Thursday 10 March 2011


The main purpose of this study is to develop an understanding of an artistic movement and how Photographers have been influenced by them and also political impacts and how they inspired artists and Photographers from the 60's.
This Research explores some of the dominant themes in the 1960's with a particular emphasis on ethics, Cultural issues, Art, fashion and Photography. A comprehensive examination of all issues surrounding the 1960's, pop art movement and political issues has been completed.

I will be using two Photographers famed in the 1960's:

David Bailey

Terence Donovan

And two Artists from the Pop-Art Movement;

Jim Dine

Andy Warhol

The main body of research has been generated from internet sites, journals, text books and recent current affairs, documentary television programmes and videos regarding the 1960's debated topic in order to support my presentation at a later date.

The key findings from the research are that in the main, Pop art had its own influencesand Andy Warhol and Jim Dine had their own influences to create their artwork and later affect key Photographers David Bailey and Terrance Donovan.

In conclusion, it is considered that the Photo-realism grew out of the Pop-art and Minimalism movements that preceded it. Like Pop artists, the Photo-realists were interested in breaking down hierarchies of appropriate subject matter by including everyday scenes of commercial life—cars, shops, and signage, for example. Also like them, the Photo-realists drew from advertising and commercial imagery. David Bailey and Terence Donovan were both portraiture Photorealists and produced images that reflected the 1960's celebrity culture before anyone else.

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